Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Life and Some more

The highlight of the evening was an interactive session of questions and answers with Rev. Dada, involving various facts of peace. Some of the questions and answers were – Q1: What is the price for attaining peace of mind? A: one should rejoice in the Will of God, for His will is the best, whether in pain or pleasure. With this attitude, one will be filled with peace. Sadhu Vaswani’s wise words were God upsets our plans, to set up His own. But his plans are perfect. Q2: Why is that earlier generations seemed to have lived in greater peace? A: This is so because they lived in the love and fear of God. Nowadays, there is no belief in God. We must bring God back into our lives. Q3: Are the pursuit of wealth, power and position compatible with peace? A: Keep in mind that wealth, power and position will be earned only according to the power of our Karma. Then one will always be at peace. There is irritation and frustration only because we do not understand the law of Karma. Q4: Was there a time when you experienced disturbance? A: There was a time when the slightest thing would make me upset and angry. But through God’s grace that stage has been cleansed out. We should pray to Him and beg for his Grace. We have thrown God out of our homes, schools and colleges. The vacuum thus created is filled by the devil. Q5: The Vedas mention the mantra, ‘Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti. What significance does it have? A: The following is my interpretation – According to the scriptures, three important elements make up man – i. Body and senses ii. Mind iii. Speech which expresses our thoughts. Hence, Shanti being repeated thrice is once each for the above three. Peace in every aspect that makes up man. Q6: How to respond and not react? A: Vanquish the ego. Then there will be no reacting. The hurt and the pain belong to the ego. Till then there will be no peace. Q7: I am in a position of authority. If a subordinate is rude or misbehaves, what should I do? A: Do your duty. You may use some firm or even harsh words to correct the person. But your anger should emanate only from your lips, not from your heart. Q8: How can children be made to feel more peaceful? A: This great responsibility lies with the mother. She should accept the Will of God peacefully when the child is in the womb. Then those vibrations of peace will pass on automatically to the c

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