Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Do we really want a New India

Have been following the Anna movement with some interest daily. 15K odd people joined the struggle yesterday. Some got put in Jail. So now they are war hero's. Surprise Surprise the opposition gets involved.

This is making me think.

1) Do we want a new government? No of course not. Looking at the options we have and you will see what I mean. What we want is this government to change its ways. But can this government do that? Can it Really? With the government getting blackmailed by its coalition allies on hourly daily basis, the government is rendered ineffective. They can only work 20% of the time for the people and the rest of the time to help its on cause and stay in power. Who is responsible for this mess? We the people who vote for the person who speaks the local language and we are comfortable with. People in the South dont always trust the people in the North (just an example)
2) Do we really support Anna? I am sitting in my comfy seat in KL saying I support Anna. IF I really supported Anna and the cause I would be down there with my friends supporting them in Delhi. 2 thing come out of my last statement. I know of a lot of people who have joined the cause because they dont want to seem out of the crowd. Secondly this is mostly a Delhi revolt. Out of millions of people who live in Delhi 15K showed up (peanuts I must say). Does anyone from Assam care?
3) Who wants the change? Not the rich, the current situation affects their net worth in the Indian stock market. Not the upper middle class- They lose big pay packets if MNCs leave, Not the middle class (frankly they want earn their 3 meals a day and kids have good education. They deal with so many more day to day problems that a lokpal bill can never solve. and certainly not the poor class (which by the way forms the largest part of the population) as they wont even know what Lok Pal is and what's written them. Get them educated first. Let them eat first. Let them lIve first
4) What is the plan for the Anna team? Will he die or will he eat? This revolution will take a turn if Anna dies fasting. And no I am trying to be a cynic but unless the movement as a long strategic plan this movement will fail without a tragic incident. They just dont have the mass movement.
5) News is calling this Anna movement. Its not, its an anti corruption movement. I am against the self proclamation that this movement is going towards
6) What's Anna issues over and above what Gandhi faced- Anna faces a larger population broken into multiple small communities.

A closing note: I want to see corruption end in India. I hope this movement works. But not at the cost of taking us back 20 years.

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