Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Network-key to the top

Online Networking Guide
Stanford Who’s Who is an elite organization
of selected executives, professionals and
entrepreneurs from across the globe. Our
mission is to recognize successful individuals
in multiple industries by providing an
exceptional forum for networking, consulting,
exposure and credibility for the purpose of
broadening one's future success. Realizing the
power of forming business and professional
relationships, we have created numerous
resources that our members use for a
multitude of reasons. With access to
thousands of professional biographies of
individuals in over 100 different industries, our
members utilize our database to recruit others,
to announce their career accomplishments,
and for lasting, valuable relationships that
extend beyond our membership program.
Stanford Who’s Who
utilizes a wide variety of
promotional tools in the
marketing of our
members. For example,
the Who’s Who Black
Book is offered to those
individuals who complete
our competitive
evaluation process. This
incredible book serves as a
reference and a guide, but is also a spectacular
symbol of achievement and status. Upon
Acceptance, Stanford Who’s Who will publish
your professional biography in this world
renowned book. Your listing in this book is a
tribute your professional achievements, and is
a privilege that you share with thousands of
other members who are all leaders in their
various and highly respected industries. The
Who’s Who Black Book is also available in a
convenient CD-ROM format as well as being
published online as part of the Stanford
Who’s Who website.
Another excellent promotional tool is the
Stanford Who’s Who Press Release which
announces your acceptance and into our
exclusive network. It highlights your
achievements, educational background,
affiliations, and rewards that you have earned
throughout your career. We then establish this
page on all major search engines, allowing
others to find you and your company with
Stanford Who’s Who offers a Multi Media
Promotion Package which puts you in the
position where someone can enter your name
into one of the major search engines, and
information on you and your company will
pop up on the first few results and pages. This
third party endorsement not only validates
your credentials and achievements but will
also drive traffic to your website and maximize
your exposure on the web. Along with our
multimedia package Stanford Who’s Who also
specializes in website design and hosting.
Personalized for each member, your website
will display your photographs, black book
biography, affiliations, educational
background, and all other
personal or business venture
that you partake in.
In addition, Stanford Who’s
Who can provide a wall plaque
which is constructed of solid
wood and laser engraved. This
extraordinary wall plaque is a
personal tribute to the success
you have attained throughout
your career. It serves as a way to
further validate your achievements, and
honors your acceptance into our prestigious
organization. There is also a Certificate of
Recognition given to members upon
acceptance into Stanford Who’s Who. Each
certificate is personalized and contains the
Stanford Who's Who platinum seal of
authenticity. Beautifully designed, this
enhancement to your office décor serves as a
third party endorsement of your business and
personal achievement.
Stanford Who’s Who also offers a beveled
glass desk tribute, which is engraved in gold,
and is an excellent piece that can be displayed
on your desk for clients, and colleagues to see.
Also, offered solely to Executives,
Professionals, and Entrepreneurs of the year,
the Stanford Who’s Who Proclamation which
is crafted from cherry wood or beveled glass,
highlights you as a member of our exclusive
program, and emphasizes the reasons why we
Discover how to utilize one of
the most powerful internet
networking and personal
marketing tools.
The Professional Social
Networking site is just waiting
for you tap it’s potential .
Simple messages limited to 140
characters could be your key to
Now with more users than
Google! Facebook not only let’s
you network with your friends
and family, but can be a powerful
tool to network yourself or your

Relationships Matter. That is the motto of linked in.
Your professional network of trusted contacts gives you an
advantage in your career, and is one of your most valuable
assets. LinkedIn exists to help you make better use of your
professional network and help the people you trust in
return. It’s mission is to connect the world’s professionals to
make them more productive and
Linkedin is a great resource for
networking yourself. Here are five tips
for success with Linkedin.
1. Build Your
Connection Base. Connect
with past co-workers, friends, and
professional connections. But don’t
limit yourself, Linkedin has a wealth
of resources for you to reach out and
make new connections.
2. Join Groups. Your first foray into networking
on Linkedin is to join groups. Linkedin makes it easy to
target groups that are within your industry or that may
be potential clients.
3. Be Active. Don’t just join a group and read
the conversations, be part of the conversations!
Networking yourself is all about communication, don’t
waste your time by just being silent in the corner.
Contributing to discussions is the prime “foot in the
door” to start your networking. You will begin to build
new relationships by engaging in intelligent discussions.
4. Update Your Profile. Keep your profile
fresh with up to date information.
Link your Twitter account to your
profile so your new contacts can get a
news feed on your accomplishments.
Constantly updating and being active
will translate your level of
commitment to networking. Always
make sure your profile is complete.
Ask your friends to post
recommendations on your profile,
these are testimonials to your
character, knowledge and work ethics.
5. Start a Group. Don’t just follow, be a leader.
Start a group on Linkedin, invite your other contacts to
participate and voice their opinions.
URL: www.linkedin.com
Founded: 12/2002
CEO: Dan Nye

Twitter is a micro-blog, social networking tool that
enables users to send and view messages, known as Tweets.
The “Tweets” are text posts, limited to 170 characters.
5 Tips for Using Twitter
1. Tweet: Tweet, and Tweet often. Look for
interesting content.
Keep people
abreast of what
you are doing
throughout the
day. The way
Twitter was
designed is you will
be forced to keep
your tweets short,
it’s up to you keep
it sweet. Tweet
two to three times
daily to maintain your presence. Download one of the
many twitter mobile apps to constantly keep in touch
and have the capability to Tweet media such as photos.
2. Reply: Respond to other tweets. Keep yourself
in the Twitter conversation. Networking is about
communicating, engage the people you are networking
3. Search: Learn and use Twitters advanced
search tool. This can put you on top of relevant topics
and put you in touch with new contacts.
4. Complete: Keep your profile and bio complete
on Twitter. Make sure your profile matches your
message and goals for
branding yourself.
Customize your page
to stand out and
utilize the real estate
to brand your
5.Promote: Just
like your website, you
need to promote your
space on twitter and
gain followers. How?
Here are some ideas: link your twitter account on your
email signature, place a link on your website, place your
Twitter info on your biz card, keep tweeting and build
your recognition as an expert.
URL: www.twitter.com
Founded: 2006
CEO: Evan Williams

Facebook is nothing short of a social media revolution. In a
short time it has gathered more users than Google. A simple
concept of creating a digital identity, allowing you to easily find
others with similar interests, old
friends and classmates and targeted
1. Profile: Full complete
your profile on Facebook so
people can easily identify you
and get in touch with you.
Through your profile you will
be able to create group and
fan pages.
2. Create group or
fan pages: What’s the
difference you might ask? To
quote Facebook “Facebook
created Pages when we
noticed that people were
trying to connect with brands
and famous artists in ways that
didn’t quite work on Facebook…Not only can you
connect with your favorite artists and businesses, but
now you also can show your friends what you care about
and recommend by adding Pages to your personal
profile.” Groups are smaller scaled than Pages are. You
could easily compare a group to a club. One of the
major differences is that when you update
on a group, it comes directly from your
personal account, where on a fanpage
you can create updates that appear from
“fan page” itself. Groups are great for
oroganizing on a personal level and for
smaller scale interaction around a cause.
Pages are better for brands , businesses,
bands, movies or celebrities who want to
interact with their fans or customers
without having them connected to a
personal account, and have a need to
exceed Facebook’s 5,000 friend cap.
3.Communicate: Start
communicating. Whether it’s just
personal networking or networking your
product, business or page. Engage in
conversions and relevant discussions.
The more you get your name out there,
the more people will “like” your page.
Download Facebook’s mobile app so you do not miss an
opportunity to participate in discussions.

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